- Cleans Fuel Injectors
- De-Carbonizes Combustion Chamber
- Improves Engine Efficiency Gaining More MPG
- Increases Horsepower
- Reduces Black Smoke and Particulates Emissions in Diesel Engines
- Reduces Vapor Pressure (This Reduces Hydrocarbon Evaporation During The Refueling Process)
- Significantly Reduces Emissions At The Manifold (Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons and Oxides of Nitrogen)
- Adds Less Than 800 Parts Per Million To The Host Fuel
- Cleans Combustion Resulting In Rejuvenating Oxygen Sensors and Catalytic Converter
- Does Not Contain Benzene, Olefins, Lead, Magnesium Or Heavy Metals
- Guaranteed Not To Damage Sensitive Engine Parts
- Blended From Non-Carcinogenic Liquid Hydrocarbons
- Replaces Power That Ethanol Takes Away
Did you KNOW:
- RxP stabilizes the host fuel. Easy start-ups and less worry when fuel is stored for long periods. RxP is totally homogenous.
- Prevents algae re-growth. The originating holders must be free of algae before adding RxP, but once added, no algae will form.