Wow! Just had to let you know how well your product really works. I took my truck in to have it inspected and it was well over the maximum allowable readings during the emissions testing. After following the instructions on the RXP bottle I took it back in for inspection and it passed with flying colors. Your product saved me a lot of money and guesswork. I will continue using it regularly. Thanks!
- Freddie Red Oak
Fantastic product! I put it in a 1988 corvette with 78,000+ miles and after 1/4 tank used, car runs Great! Also, this car always had a temperature around 200 degrees, now temp is around 183 when moving forward at 45 mph. Nice to see a product work as Advertised!
- Peter Bohn
Dear Ms. Rackley,
Thank you so much for sending me two complimentary bottles of your RxP Gas Kicker. I did as you suggested and was extremely pleased with the results.
My car’s performance has noticeably improved to the point that I’m actually getting better gas mileage along with more power.
I’m recommending this product to all family and friends, especially since I finally found it in stock at my local Autozone. I purchased the last eight bottles they had in stock so that I can use it on my sons’ cars.
- Javier Guangorena
My name is Jason Jamnik. I have been selling auto parts for the past four years. I have never seen or even heard of anything that can do the amazing things that one two and a half ounce bottle of RxP can do. The product was first introduced to me at Chief Auto Parts about three years ago, the sales rep was trying to convince me that this stuff worked better than anything else on the market. Sales of RxP at that time in our store were ZERO after a two week period. I explained to the rep that it was because of the price of the product per ounce. He convinced me to try one bottle risk free. Skeptically, I added one bottle to my 1978 Olds 98 with an Olds 350 motor with over 250,000 miles. I always drove the car hard when accelerating especially while entering the freeway. After just one bottle of RxP, I drove to and from work (one and a half miles round trip) for about four days or so. When I got onto the highway (in my usual manner of having the throttle wide open), I noticed HEAVY black smoke bellowing out the back. Afraid that the car was on fire I stopped, popped the hood only to discover no flames. Upon starting the car back up, I immediately noticed how smooth the idle was and how well it accelerated (even under normal conditions). When customers ask me about a good fuel injector cleaner (or gas treatment), the only thing I recommend now is RxP. By the way, I’m glad to have finally gotten RxP into the AutoZone stores. Since the buyout of Chief Auto last year, RxP had all but disappeared from our area. Keep up the great work!!!
- Jason Dallas, TX
I was getting nessary items for my car for an oil change. I seen this little red bottle that said it helped emmisions, improve power, fuel mileage, and removed carbon from my engine and fuel system. I decided to try it. Read the instructions and added it to my fuel before I filled the tank. Before I did this though I had poor power and aceleration in the higher engine speeds. After I added RxP I noticed that the top end of my engine picked up. This was great because I thought that I was eventualy going to have get my engine rebuilt. Nice to know that it was some carbon and maby some clogged injectors.
My biggest question is where can I find a larger container or RxP? No 55 gallon drum but maby a quart or gallon? I have noticed after throughly looking your site over that you had that in there. I would like to buy it in bulk. Enough to last me for 2 or 3 months.
As for my car model: 1988 Buick Regal Limited, 2.8L V6 engine with multiport fuel injection. It has 150,000 miles when I added the RxP to the tank and and drove it about 50 miles at 70mph before I noticed a difference.
- Charles Parris Buford, GA
Hi; Just had to add my comments, and agree with the rest of the statements. I have only used 4 bottles in the last week! First my main car , then my work van,my wife’s car and my oldest girls’car. All responed wonderfuly! This product is better than anything out there… I have tried them all, I think, and your product “cleans up” the BEST!! Now I will add a bottle to all again, Thanks for a great product, that does what it was stated it would do. Jim Carducci.
- Jim Carducci Trenton, NJ
Over the years, I have had the worst luck with cars. ESPECIALLY during inspection. I have never run into a product in my life that deliverd exactly what it claimed…until now. The rxp gas additive finally got me through emessions testing this year after trying just about everything else on the market. You’ve saved me a bundle on un-needed repairs. i’m going to start using it regularly to improve performance since that’s what i hear works. (and now, i believe any ad you thow me.) Thanks.
- Freddie Cleveland OH
- V.T. Mobley Gastonia, NC
Thanks for a great product, Mr. Johnson! My first awareness of RxP came in 1993-1994 by way of a radio advertisement. Since then, I have added one bottle to all fill up once a week. I started originally with my 1986 Mercury S/W which my nineteen year old daughter drives to and from school.
The specifics on the station wagon are disclosed on the enclosed copy of the Texas vehicle emission inspection report. Now at 457,902 miles, my car as a taxi, new in January 1995, must be retired next month because of a local five year end out regulation. Perhaps, my experience and vehicle may be of value in your marketing program. I have shared my satisfactory RxP experience with thousands of folks these past seven years. During 1999, as 400,000 miles was achieved, I have made my experience a topic of conversation for every passenger every day.
You see, Mr. Johnson, this vehicle is operating with the original engine, original fuel injectors, original transmission and original differential; except for replacing a right axle 230,000 miles ago. I state truthfully that not a single person ever heard of RxP prior to my comments. During this year, I have been keeping the empty bottles. As a customer, usually a man to date, expresses interest to the point of writing down RxP detail, I have been giving the empties for their use at home. Just did it again this morning. In fact, a few who were just arriving in greater Fort Worth have asked and directed to where they could buy it here.
I do indeed hope to have your reply. Meanwhile wishing you, your family and staff a meaningful Thanksgiving.
- Mr. Holibaugh Euless, TX
I drove about 70 miles on my Supercharged 93 Thunderbird with RxP in the tank, then went for the Texas required emissions test. The results were astounding! One reading was zero and the other was only a reading of 3! The tester played with his machine and re-did the test before deciding it was in fact a valid test! He said he had never seen this kind of result before! I should have told him what I was using but was reluctant to say anything. I quietly drove off with a smile on my face. I have also noticed the car is running slightly smoother at idle with the a/c on. I am going to call the 800 number you sent and order the quart!
I am also going to send your web page link the “Super Coupe Club of America” web site. It is devoted to the maintenance and repair of the Thunderbird SC. Only 45,000 were built from 89 thru 95 and all have Superchargers with a top speed of 140 MPH. They have 800 members on their web site!
Thanks for building a better mousetrap!
- Rod Herrig Houston, TX
If word of mouth will help, I will stand on top of a mountain and yell to the world about RxP. What a nice product based on chemistry. I look forward to a long relationship with your product. Marketing is your key. Resist selling out to big time business and keep the product available. Thanks for having the product available in Texas.
- Bruce Garrett Texas
To Whom It May Concern:
I have been using RxP Super Concentrated Gas Kicker for quite some time on my family’s cars as a supplement to tuning them up. I especially value this RxP product when my vehicles are due to be smogged. California’s smog regulations continue to become increasingly stringent, and I know I can count on RxP to reduce my cars’ emissions and avoid the Smog II program, while also protecting the environment.
- Donald Riches Jr. Paradise, CA
Dear Sir or Madam,
I was a mechanic for Eastern Air Lines for thirty-three years and we did everything by the book. I never believed in quick fix-its. If it was broken, we fixed it. I never believed in additives; however here recently, my 1983 Buick failed the emission test. I was in Discount Auto Parts and I happened to notice RxP gasoline additive for emission reduction. I figured what have I got to loose. I will give it a try. So I did……here comes the good part…..I took my car back one week later to the same inspector. It was retested and it passed the test. This RxP really does work. Thanks for a great product. Now I will be able to help my customers to save money. Thank you and keep up the good work.
- G.C. Laurence Miami, FL
IT WORKS! The guy on radio car talk show has been telling everyone about it for years. I don’t believe in magic so I never bought it. I had inspection due and six codes showing. IT WORKS!
- Alan Baron